Parent-Teacher Organization
The Parent-Teacher Organization is comprised of volunteer parents and teachers who dedicate their time to organize activities in and out of the school to help raise funds and promote school spirit.
Since the inauguration of TCA Arshag Dickranian School, the PTO has been instrumental in holding various social functions, especially the annual banquets, which serve as a major fundraising event at the school. The PTO is devoted to advancing the welfare and educational mission of TCA Arshag Dickranian School.
PTO Chairman – Armen Mkhsian
PTO Vice Chairperson – Marina Tatoian
PTO Treasurer – Ojean Sinanian
PTO Hripsime Arutunyan

Seated left to right: Treasurer Ojean Sinanian, Ripsime Ter-Abramyan, PTO Chairman Armen Mkhsian, Vice Chairperson Marina Tatoian and Pre-K teacher Madlena Marikyan.
Standing left to right: Zaruhi Sulian, Nuritsa Mkhsian, Ruzanna Toutoundjian, Board Member Shirley Kandralyan, Arshaluys Shaklian and faculty representative math teacher Maria Melkumyan.