First row, left to right: Former Principal Dr. Maral Yeranossian, Vice Chairman Mr. Parsegh Kartalian, Board Chairman Mr. George Mandossian and Board Secretary Ms. Gia Aivazian. Second row, left to right: Mr. Diran Depanian, Treasurer Ms. Angine Garibyan, Mr. Osheen Keshishian, Educational Committee Chairwoman Ms. Arpi Avanesian-Idolor and former member Mr. Haig Boghossian.
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of TCA Arshag Dickranian School. It is comprised of members from various aspects of the Armenian community such as educators, professionals, businessmen and scientists. The Board of Trustees Members meet regularly, at least once a month, to take care of the educational and fiscal needs of the school.